In the year 2019, a plague has transformed almost every human into a vampire. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant race plots...
A military veteran goes on a journey into the future, where he can foresee his death and is left with questions that could save his life and those he...
The year is 2509 and not only has Earth lost contact with the Ishimura and Isaac Clarke, but now also the USG O'Bannon, the first responder ship sent...
Charlie and Cliff decide they want to go to the Full Moon party in Thailand. Along the way they travel around the world sprinkling the ashes of their...
In the fictional town of Antares, a general strike prevents seven corpses from being buried in the local cemetery. The corpses then come back to life...
This year, it is Jacob Widman's turn to receive the Nobel Prize in Economics. There is only one problem, he is dead. His four closest friends decide...