Shan Cai, whose parents are far from wealthy, attends Ying De University, the private school established exclusively for rich students. Besides being...
Fated to Love You, also known as You're My Destiny, Sticky Note Girl or Destiny Love, is a 2008 Taiwanese drama starring Joe Chen, Ethan Juan, Baron...
It's easy to talk about teenagers, but we are now in our teens for the first time. All the moments were too serious to say I was not worried. Teenage...
A romantic comedy about a woman that hates men with pretty face, a man that is obsessed with his looks, and how the people with flaws get over their...
An arrogant third master of a powerful family falls in love at first sight with a pretty young maiden and uses every means possible to force her hand...
The story of a man named Yook Dong-sik who coincidentally witnesses a murder and picks up the killer's diary. While fleeing the scene, he gets into a...