As a young girl, Alison Parker attempted suicide after being traumatized by her father's sexual exploits. Now an elite fashion model, she moves to a...
Wracked with guilt over her younger sister's suicide, pretty young karate student Megumi accompanies a group of older friends on a camping trip into...
Plastic surgeon Larry Roberts performs a series of minor alterations on a group of models who are seeking perfection. The operations are a resounding...
Min Jae-Hee is a middle aged woman. She is a housewife who has devoted her life to her family, but her family gets destroyed. Min Jae-Hee is furious...
With no money and a sick young son, Angel returns to the underworld of fashion and luxury. Giovanna believes that Angel killed her father and will do...
Korea's Next Top Model is a Korean reality television show in which a number of women compete for the title of Korea's Next Top Model and a chance to...
It tells the story of young people who dream of a modeling career and the rise of their lives. It all starts when the Sex Appeal agency, led by Edgar...