Barents Sea, August 12th, 2000. During a Russian naval exercise, and after suffering a serious accident, the K-141 Kursk submarine sinks with 118...
Dr. Robert Ballard of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and his research team become the first undersea explorers to locate, photograph, and explore...
An expedition looks into whether Titanic's hull had a construction design flaw that caused her to break apart. Featuring advanced CGI technology,...
Үнэгүй хязгааргүй хандалт, Ямар ч зар сурталчилгаа хайх, Өдөр бүр сая сая цол хэргэм нэмдэг, Бүх платформууд ба бүрэн оновчтой, Хаана ч, хэзээ ч