With dazzling nature photography, Academy Award®–nominated director Markus Imhoof (The Boat Is Full) takes a global examination of...
In 1923, Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian scientist, philosopher & social innovator, predicted that in 80 to 100 years honeybees would collapse. Now,...
The story of a mom whose son healed from all allergies and asthma after consuming raw milk, and real food from farms. It depicts people all over the...
An outcast in his community, Farmer John bravely stands amidst a failing economy, vicious rumors, and violence. By melding the traditions of family...
At the focal point of this movement, and of this film, are the farmers and chefs who are creating a truly sustainable food system. Their...
We’ve all seen environmental problems highlighted everyday on the media. Now comes the solution. From the man who said, “You can solve...
Within the last half century, our agriculture and food has changed more than it has changed before in several thousand years. New technologies and...
In this introductory video to permaculture, Bill Mollison, the movement’s co-founder, takes the viewer through the history and developments of...
In Isère, in the mountainous region of Trièves, is the Tournesol farm, an experiential farm totally autonomous in energy, a veritable...
This film explores food sustainability, how farmers' markets build community, and why local food matters. Filmmaker Dr. Benjamin Garner is an...
Peter Proctor is New Zealand's father of biodynamic agriculture. Peter has been gardening and making compost for over 65 years. "Biodymanics makes...
Behind the back of her father, a big tradesman of organic food, a young journalist investigates the farmers which supply him. And she discovers an...
Castiglione d'Otranto, in the South of Italy. A group of thirty-year-olds no longer accept that the solution to the economic, ecological and...
Bill Mollison's Permaculture Course
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