A grieving detective in the near-future hunts down criminals who trade artificial humans on the black market. In the fight to end AI exploitation, an...
Investigating a rumor that "iron ghosts" are deforesting his local area, the "Muhafiz" (lit. "Protector") Allahyar embarks on an epic adventure with...
Female android Anne contacts a man on the Internet and has sex with him. Men who do not know her true identity are at the mercy of her transcendental...
Tokiko Mima, nicknamed "Key," is a 17-year-old girl living in the Japanese countryside who, despite her human-like appearance, is a robot. When Key's...
Follows the humorous adventures of the little girl robot Arale Norimaki, her creator Senbei Norimaki, and the other residents of the bizarre Penguin...
In the near future, a sudden and unexplained sea rise has left much of human civilization underwater. Ikaruga Natsuki, a boy who lost his mother and...
High-end AI robot Bo accidentally loses her way while she is being shipped from the factory. She eventually ends up among a family of weirdos in the...