A scientific expedition sets out for Borneo to seek a flower called the Blood Orchid, which could grant extended life. Meanwhile, they run afoul of...
During a stormy night in the Scottish Highlands, two criminal brothers on the run seek refuge in a desolate farmhouse. But after taking the resident...
In a remote region of Wales, five travelers beset by a relentless storm find shelter in an old mansion.
On a stormy night, the mute servant to an ailing matriarch is stalked by a serial killer.
A college professor teaching a course called "The Psychology of Fear" brings his students (including a psychic) to his home, one dark and stormy...
After a family survives Hurricane Katrina, there is another storm but this one is much worse.
During a storm, a group of people are trapped inside a mansion with a killer.
Janet Blake leaves a party when her boss drunkenly makes passes at her and is offered a ride to the subway with Bill Tremaine. When she thinks Bill...
On the day of his wedding, Sir John Carteret's fiancée, Moonyeen, is killed by a jealous rival named Jeremy, leaving him emotionally...
Andrea, a beautiful daughter of a railway gateman, is seduced by a rich passenger, who missed his train. Left pregnant, Andrea marries another man...
In a dark and stormy night, Raimundo's car suffers a breakdown, so he and Gregorio, his chauffeur, must try to ask for shelter in the only nearby...
In this one-minute Docu-fiction follows the news about a looming Low Pressure Area (LPA) in The Philippines.
As lightning cracks, a man wakes from his slumber to find out he's not alone in his bedroom.
The story centers around a homeless man struggling with his addiction which brings him to desperate measures to satisfy his compulsion.
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