A kindhearted street urchin named Aladdin embarks on a magical adventure after finding a lamp that releases a wisecracking genie while a power-hungry...
Jack's lavish, fast-paced lifestyle changes one Christmas night when he stumbles into a grocery store holdup and disarms the gunman. The next morning...
A young boy and his dog, who happens to have a genius-level IQ, spring into action when their time-machine is stolen and moments in history begin to...
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1991. High school freshman Charlie is a wallflower, always watching life from the sidelines, until two senior students, Sam...
Hatori Chise has lived a life full of neglect and abuse, devoid of anything resembling love. Far from the warmth of family, she has had her share of...
A story of how the 'rabbit' brings home a 'big bad wolf' follows a young woman named Gu An Xin who chances upon the hotshot executive Ling Yue after...
A young girl, Nan Xing (played by Shen Yue), who loves to write, accidentally summons the villain Xiao Wudi (played by Chen Zhe Yuan) from the novel...
A story that follows Xie Xiaoni, the daughter of a silk merchant who loses her family due to a conspiracy. Determined to stand on her own, she works...