Chucky is reconstructed by a toy factory to dispel the negative publicity surrounding the doll, and tracks young Andy Barclay to a foster home where...
When Pete and Ellie decide to start a family, they stumble into the world of foster care adoption. They hope to take in one small child but when they...
Hubie Dubois, despite his devotion to his hometown of Salem, Massachusetts (and its legendary Halloween celebration), is a figure of mockery for kids...
Wisecracking, gum-chewing 12-year-old Gilly is well known in the foster system. Totally unmanageable, she has stayed with more families than she can...
After returning from a masquerade, much to his surprise, a wandering textile salesman stumbles upon an abandoned and helpless baby. Will he find his...
A 17-year-old kid from South Chicago coexists with his selfish foster mother. On his way to school with his best friend, they discover something that...
Hana is a nine-year-old girl who lives in constant fear of her abusive family; Michiko is a sexy woman who has just done the unthinkable: broken out...
An intimate look at five families who take in children removed from their biological homes by the Director of Youth Protection (DYP). Nancy Audet, a...