Ellen is a young girl reincarnated from modern-day Japan as a half-spirit. Her father, Rovel, is the legendary hero who saved the kingdom, and her...
The year is 2800 and Lufas Maphaahl—The Black-Winged Tyrant, Great Conqueror, and leader of the Twelve Heavenly Stars—has returned. A man...
विनामूल्य अमर्यादित प्रवेश, काहीही जाहिराती शोधा, लाखो शीर्षके आणि दररोज जोडली, सर्व प्लॅटफॉर्म आणि पूर्णपणे ऑप्टिमाइझ केलेले, कोठेही आणि कधीही