A comic horror drama depicting a grotesque situation that occurs with the appearance of a supernatural entity navigating between the filming teams at...
Dalida was an international star, selling over 140 million records in 10 languages. But behind her glittering career and dramatic and tragic personal...
Dr. Goro is reborn as the son of the young starlet Ai Hoshino after her delusional stalker murders him. Now, he wants to help his new mother rise to...
Two pop idol Ai fans are reincarnated as her "secret" baby twins, Aqua and Ruby, and grow up supporting her until the tragic day she is stabbed by a...
Sora, a young girl from Japan, comes to America in search of her dream. She wants, with all her heart, to be a member of the famous Kaleido Stage, a...
Tou Tiao Dou Shi Ta is a story about Yin Shen, a member of the (in)famous idol boygroup FLY. What makes him the center of attention? Is it true that...
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