A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he...
Compelled by a mysterious force, Kaena, a rebellious, high-spirited teenage girl will defy the High Priest and her people's ancestral beliefs to take...
Radio astronomers discover a mysterious signal in the deep sea that could be contact with extraterrestrials. After several terrifying manifestations...
When estranged brothers Adam and Clint attempt to reconnect over a week-long hunting trip in remote British Columbia, they find the tables turned by...
Roger and Lars are family men who live a life as a traveling construction workers on large sites worldwide. They are offered a very generous contract...
Swastikas were scratched into the windows of the University of Stuttgart and have caused considerable property damage. Far-right vandalism? The case...
Due to "The Shift" 50% of the worlds population has turned into rage humans, entire cities have vanished and the weather across the globe is chaotic....
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