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Tieħu inqas minn minuta biex Tiffirma u allura tista 'tgawdi Films u Titoli tat-TV Unlimited.

00:00:00 / 01:21:00

劇場版ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション 七夜の願い星 ジラーチ 2003 Aċċess Unlimited Ħieles

劇場版ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション 七夜の願い星 ジラーチ 2003 Aċċess Unlimited Ħieles

Ash, May, Brock, and Max come upon the festival of the Wishing Star of Seven Nights. During their enjoyment, the legendary Pokemon--Jirachi, descends from the heavens and befriends Max. Jirachi, with the power to grant any wish, is sought after by many people wanting to claim its power. One man seeks to use its legendary power to revive an ancient Pokemon known as Groudon, unaware of the dangers hidden within Jirachi's powers

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