A young woman learns that she has inherited a Texas estate from her deceased grandmother. After embarking on a road trip with friends to uncover...
This is the story of an isolated Alaskan town that is plunged into darkness for a month each year when the sun sinks below the horizon. As the last...
An idyllic summer turns into a nightmare of unspeakable terror for yet another group of naïve counselors. Ignoring Camp Crystal Lake's bloody...
Two short stories set in Edo during the Shogun era. 1 - During a time when Christians are persecuted vehemently, Iori falls in love with young...
When a party bus on it's way to the Burning Man music festival breaks down in the desert and in the middle of a group of Satanic devil worshippers,...
A doe-eyed knife-wielding killer is on the loose in a small town slicing and dicing men of questionable intent left and right. As her brutality...
A deranged 15th Century prison colony chaplain exploits his power to get money for his church including murder and grave robbing committed by his...
A film about a creepy vampire watchman lol
While investigating the murder of a friend, a drag artist and an activist find themselves caught in an old war between those who feed on the blood of...
Sister wives living on a secluded ranch decide to plot revenge against their abusive husband.
During a therapy session, Kathy retells her frightening and disturbing tale of her lust for her best friend's blood.
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