A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her from her assailants, while she copes with the...
Mandy is a new mom in town and at first, she is welcomed into the circle of elite moms, but when her daughter outperforms power mom Olivia's...
Qi Ming is a handsome boy and he is also a top student at school, but Yi Yao is a so-called bitch on everyone’s lips. Qi and Yi grew up...
Diego, a young student, lives in the clutches of classmates who harass him daily because of his physical appearance and sexual orientation. Finally...
A haiku club comprised of five unlikely students aim to win the national high school haiku tournament.
A boy is being bullied at a Boarding School. Things get out of hand and he will need his revenge.
Imagine in the life time of a gun all the hands it passes through. It's Just A Gun is just one chapter in that story.
Helped by her self-made flying mechanical creatures, a young inventor and an enigmatic pint-sized superhero defeat the town bullies and find an...
When a wealthy, lonely university music student is beaten and has his apartment trashed by a fellow dorm resident-bully and his gang, he goes mad,...
In a world of muffled sounds, a young student with a passion for photography, deprived by a physical impairment, must try to overcome the barriers of...
We all share the same kind of brain yet everybody has a different view of the world around us. As a very intriguing example, Carlotta vividly...
Chicken Boy is a dark coming-of-age story in which a lonely boy recognizes parallels between the bullying he endures at school and the neglect he...
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