Lin Xia dreams of becoming a fashion editor but ends up in the wrong department at a publishing house. Under the guidance of her demanding boss, she...
In the 1980s, Gao Jialin, a young man living in Gaojiagou in northern Shaanxi Province,Gao Jialin was not defeated. He strived to learn new knowledge...
As a professional billiards player, Yin Guo has become quite a notable athlete. After receiving an invitation to play in a tournament in Hel, Yin Guo...
Shi Jian time travels back to the past in her dreams after a plane crash. Armed with knowledge from the future, she decides to solve all her problems...
In New York, this fashionable international metropolitan city, countless people who each have their own dreams meet or miss each other every day. Xu...
Having spent her entire life in the remote Japanese countryside, Asagi Soramame takes a giant leap of faith when she decides to follow her childhood...
Duan Yucheng is a high-spirited young man who loves high jump but is limited by his height, met his talent scout, the experienced athletics assistant...
Yoo Kyung and and Hyun Oh surprisingly keep bumping into each other over the course of three different trips and end up spending 12 nights together....