Flying Swords of Dragon Gate picks up three years after the infamous Dragon Inn was burnt down in the desert when its innkeeper Jade vanished. A new...
In eighth century China, the Emperor is grieving over the death of his wife. The Yang family wants to provide the Emperor with a consort so that they...
Docu-drama profiling Ying Sheng, the first Emperor of China. Charting the life of the man who unified China, this documentary begins with the future...
Sun Ruo Wei entire family is killed on the orders of the Yongle Emperor in 1402, though she escapes death after being secretly adopted by Sun Zhong....
A story revolving around the mischievous Concubine Meng who starts out at odds with the Emperor but falls in love with him in the process; as well as...
Sheng Ping is a wilful princess who is also passionate about Jiju. To see her favourite Jiju player Chen Shao Tang, Princess Sheng Ping sneaks out of...