Years of trying to fit in with the high society as the Gu family's foster daughter, Gu Shuyi meets headstrong & charming, Bai Yuwei. These two women...
Revealing the secret of the tomb of Marquis of Haihun! Villagers continuously die in strange ways. While there is more to the beautiful owner of the...
In the early Republic of China, as Japan seeks to invade, a mysterious Onmyoji is sent to disrupt China's Feng Shui by locating its dragon veins. Led...
At the beginning of the Republican Era, archaeologist Zeng Tian Hua and his friend Zhang Huai Chun start searching for the map that will lead them to...
After ten years of knowledge and choice, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Lin Nansheng has grown into a true Communist Party...
A story revolving around a fresh graduate who holds an idealistic view of what's right and wrong, yet realizes that the very institution he chose to...
In 1945, as the War of Resistance Against Japan comes to an end, the Japanese army secretly transports a large quantity of poison gas bombs to China....