A depressed programmer and a model decide to seek gold as a seemingly good job opportunity, but they inadvertently become involved in a well-planned...
He Fei's wife, Li Muzi, disappears during their anniversary trip. When she reappears, he insists that she is not his wife. As Chen Mai, a top lawyer...
A professional killer is hired to fake the assassination of a politician. However, when the politician is killed and he is framed for his murder, he...
A European couple's vacation abruptly ends when they're kidnapped in Mexico. A working-class Mexican family is compelled to imprison them, leading to...
A worn-out woman makes her way to the elevator, weary from a long day's work. Her anticipation of home turns to dread as she finds a lifeless figure...
Kubozuka Yosuke and Kamenashi Kazuya play the roles of an avenger duo tied to their dark past. They are not champions of justice, moral teachers, or...
Mishima Kanji is a reporter for the Weekly Times, which mainly deals with gossip. He feels a sense of emptiness and discomfort as he spends his days...
Sergeant Xu Dahu broke several major cases, but his independent style led to conflicts with his supervisor, Li Pengfei, and he was transferred. Dahu...