In the third installment of the Scary Movie franchise, news anchorwoman Cindy Campbell has to investigate mysterious crop circles and killing video...
A family living on a farm finds mysterious crop circles in their fields which suggests something more frightening to come.
ဒီကားထဲက ဘဲနှစ်ပွေက...
Toh Tae from Bangkok, aged 10, goes out to the countryside to stay with his relatives for his summer vacation. As they get near to his summer home...
Christo Roppolo claims to have been videotaping and communicating with UFOs around Monterey, California, for several years. He contacted filmmaker,...
'Cropped' tells the story of a group of UFO enthusiasts on the hunt for proof of extraterrestrial existence at the site of one of rural Britain's...
Where does this mysterious crop circle phenomena come from? Is it done by man as a joke? So why do people have extraordinary experiences then? Flying...
A collection of interviews with crop circle experts and makers.
Dauph returns home to face her father's impending death. Outside of town, a crop circle has appeared. Their search for hope leads them to its center.
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