Val McKee and Earl Bassett are in a fight for their lives when they discover that their desolate town has been infested with gigantic, man-eating...
In a small Midwestern town, a deadly annual ritual unfolds when the mythical nightmare, Sawtooth Jack, rises from the cornfields and challenges the...
When his housemate dies under mysterious circumstances, Nic Cross inherits a mysterious pyramid-shaped contraption left at the scene, unwittingly...
Learn the terrifying, true story about thirteen months that changed history! In November of 1966 a car full of kids encountered a creature unlike...
A woman travels to a remote village in the Dutch countryside to find her friend who has mysteriously disappeared.
In 1864, the Spanish poet Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836-70), suffering from health problems, retires to the monastery of Veruela. Far from the...
Region of Castilla La Vieja, Spain, early 20th century. In Luján, a village ravaged by drought, Juan, a humble farmer who survives with his...
The Bay follows the affluent, yet dysfunctional Bay City residents living in a town cursed by the spirit of Senator Red Garrett, the grandfather of...
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