In this short comedy, Luis Vaz de Camoes, the greatest Portuguese renaissance poet, struggles creatively while engaging in a hedonistic, coprophagic,...
"Granddaughters of Witches"? A discussion about the reality of the modern woman. Featuring anthropologist Carla Cristina Garcia and artist MC Tha.
The unlucky in love writer Bandaged searches for a moral of the story that explains why his romantic experiences never end in "happily ever after."...
In "Encontro Marcado com a Morte" we follow the night of a couple of strangers who decide to have dinner with the aim of getting to know each other...
A young black man wakes up chained in a dark room and is hypnotized by the static of a TV.
An entity gives a hopeless man a peculiar gift: a TV remote that allows him to enter the device, turning it into his own dimension. Within this VHS...
The day begins with an exchange of favours. An interview, a football game, cigarettes after cigarettes. Routine fragments of those who live in an...
Murilo Peres and Pedro Barros get a once-in-a-lifetime pass to roll on the fabled curves of some undisputed masterpieces of modern architecture....
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