After Valerie Lee quits her college esports team, she quickly realizes that her decision comes at the cost of her scholarship. Valerie soon discovers...
Sakamoto Masami is a first year student who likes basket but he has an explosive personality, his bad behaviour makes his sempais to ask the teacher...
As we start a new era with Counter-Strike 2, we remember the golden years of CS:GO and it's heroes. The past 10 years have taken us from bedrooms to...
It's easy to talk about teenagers, but we are now in our teens for the first time. All the moments were too serious to say I was not worried. Teenage...
Their meeting was a recipe for disaster, but their romance is sweet. This is a love story between an e-sports gamer and a Tsundere live streamer.
Professional e-sports player Xiao Yi Chuan is about to face retirement. In order to stand on the highest stage of the podium he gave up treatment of...