Rose Winters, a private detective out of Los Angeles, teams with Ed Mills, a somewhat inexperienced young detective, to find out who is blackmailing...
During a visit to childhood friend Edith, retired housewife Hetty Wainthropp discovers that Edith's husband, Frank, has a son by a previous marriage....
A private detective is hired by an eccentric married couple to investigate a particularly strange crime. Following a bizarre investigation, in which...
Former police officer Darby Spencer and her mystery novelist mother Victoria Spencer have opposite personalities but still embark on the unlikeliest...
Sophisticated woman-of-the world Adela Bradley and her chauffeur George Moody are an unlikely pair of investigators back in the England of the 1920s....
Mystery Girls follows two former detective TV show starlets brought back together by a real-life mystery. Charlie Contour is a suburban housewife and...