The Yamadas are a typical middle class Japanese family in urban Tokyo and this film shows us a variety of episodes of their lives. With tales that...
After meeting one day, a shy boy who expresses himself through haiku and a bubbly but self-conscious girl share a brief, magical summer.
Winter Days is a 2003 animated film, directed by Kihachirō Kawamoto. It is based on one of the renku (collaborative linked poems) in the 1684...
A haiku film poem. the early morning waiting for the monks. the voices. the fire. the wat drum.
A haiku club comprised of five unlikely students aim to win the national high school haiku tournament.
On the threshold of her old age, Dolores faces a wall full of memories.
A still, highly overexposed shot of a car bridge and the river below. A cinematic haiku by Chris Marker.
Kimiko, a Tokyo white-collar working girl, lives with her serious, intellectual, haiku-writing mother. Kimiko seeks to marry her boyfriend but needs...
Dealing heavily with perceptions of time, Aeon documents the urban cityscape as Wellington transforms through a zen-influenced eternal cycle of...
A haiku about a window and a woman.
Twelve shots, four sequences. Each of them will try to evoke a feeling, a sensation, an idea, a landscape… just like the iconic and...
A fictionalised documentary about the great Japanese poet Bashô (1644–1694), the spiritual father of haiku poetry. A monk, portraying the...
a haiku films, a poem by Nha Thuyen
A cinematic haiku by Chris Marker.
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