Blown Away tells the story of Jimmy Dove, who works for the Boston bomb squad. Shortly after Dove leaves the force, his partner is killed by a bomb...
In the south of Tunisia, two football fan brothers bump into a donkey lost in the middle of the desert on the border of Algeria. Strangely, the...
An immigrant love story set on a street corner.
On a crowded street, a man spots a woman from his past and tries to get her attention. Will she hear him?
A psychologist suffering from an anxiety disorder begins to have a mental breakdown when she hears a sinister voice through her headphones.
She works nights, when most people are asleep. As she listens to trendy music, she practices the words she means to say to jump out to the world that...
A sound recorder finds himself being recorded by someone else.
A film featuring David Bazan performing songs from his Pedro The Lion, Headphones, and Bazan solo catalog plus candid interviews about songwriting,...
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