The story of notorious outlaw Taylon Flynn, a man hell-bent on exiting this life in a blaze of glory. His plans go awry upon the discovery of the...
When her husband leaves for a night shift, a woman battles physical manifestations of her repressed fears and desires.
An Asian-American high school football player is forced to confront his deepest fears after a strange encounter with a mysterious figure.
Filmmaker José Mojica Marins travels to spend Christmas with friends in a small farm, where they spend leisure time while Mojica writes the...
A young woman must confront her inner demons personified as a swamp monster in a battle for self- acceptance.
A couple's fight makes their desires come true.
After the unexpected death of his daughter, a washed-up bestselling author hits rock bottom as he turns to the bottle and a life of solitude in an...
Lina, a tormented teenager, is haunted by her abusive envious mother, affecting her mental and emotional sanity until she is pushed over the edge.
A story about a girl and her inner demons.
A group of high school girls is Copper Dimension's last defense against the dark forces. They signed a contract with Xiong Ya, a guardian of light,...
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