Yuta Hibiki finds himself drawing Gridman, who he seems to have missing memories of. Now in his second year at Tsutsujidai High School, Yuta decides...
The film centers around Ultraman Taro growing up, and wanting to join the Ultra Brothers in battle. His family, however, thinks he is too young. Taro...
A young boy discovers a magical rock that can make any wish come true. But the rock is stolen by a school bully who uses it to create a powerful and...
First Lieutenant Shun'ichi Maki of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force is a prestigious F-15 Eagle jet pilot (or "driver" as he is called in the film)....
After the events of Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad, Ultraman Regulos, together with a team of other Ultras, search for Ultraman Ribut and...
The TLT is a covert international anti-monster unit established secretly to combat Space Beasts, mysterious monsters that are out to attack humans in...
As humanity begins migrating beyond Earth, a new Ultraman named Dyna arrives and bonds with defense organization GUTS' newest recruit, Shin Asuka, to...
The stage is set in "another Japan" as a banquet of diverse superhumans unfolds... In an imaginary "age of gods" about 20 years after the war, Japan...