After a migrating duck family alights on their pond with thrilling tales of far-flung places, the Mallard family embarks on a family road trip, from...
Longing for a brighter future, two Senegalese teenagers embark on a journey from West Africa to Italy. However, between their dreams and reality lies...
Two young horse traders guide a Mormon wagon train to the San Juan Valley and encounter rugged terrain, the cutthroat Clegg gang, hospitable Navajo,...
Fale Comigo Verão: O diário de um cineasta amadorHD
IMDb: 7
For years, together with his partners from the production company O Quadro, he has been betting on cinema as a tool to explore the typical issues of...
Just married Hong Kong couple Chen & Lily emigrate to England, soon to become parents to a little baby boy and generally struggle through life. Chen...
The story of the international refugee crisis, depicting a world where greed, violence and exploitation compete with hopes and dreams amid a constant...
After winning the lottery, the Habib family move into Sydney's richest suburb to live the Australian dream, but their poshy next door neighbours are...
What drives people to start a new life thousands of kilometers from their homeland? Some follow their dreams, others came out of necessity. They have...