The plot revolves around two completely different and distant women — a nurse and a fashion model — who are haunted by their own spectre...
Karma, an international high school student from Sikkim struggles to fit in and hold onto his cultural identity when he is stuck at home with his...
Events take a sinister turn one night in London, when two very different couples arrive at a double-booked apartment. Actions have consequences and...
The end of the world is imminent. A man goes into a parallel dimension, a limbo between reality and fantasy where the normal rules of time and space...
A student moves into their accomodation, only to find their room already decorated, a strange, inhuman flatmate, and a kettle that won't stop boiling.
With input from actor and writer Jan Hlobil, director and cinematographer Rene Smaal presents a film in the true surrealist tradition, in the sense...
5 short films, from 5 directors and 4 different countries on the theme of the Alter-Ego. The "Alter Ego Film Project" is inspired by the spirit of...
Marta, a young girl, finds herself locked in a library at night. The books begin to come to life and the real and the unreal merge.
Described as 'a fairytale with its roots in the worlds of dadaism and surrealism'.
Samantha Moon, A young woman who lives by herself in the city must confront her past and future through her dreams whilst being stalked by a...
This film is about what the routine of everyday life can do to the human mind and psyche. It also reflects on the importance of the choices we make...
Dadaland is a satirical exploration of current media and how its consumers connect to it. Inside a Dada-inspired psychedelic world, we meet a...
Short animated Hungarian film. Based on works of Hungarian avant-garde artists: Wahorn András, fe Lugossy László, and ef...
Alfredo, a bank manager and meticulous researcher of eccentric wigs, after his divorce from Dorotea, the forgetful stingy lawyer and former Scout...
After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into...
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