The story of Michael Berg, a German lawyer who, as a teenager in the late 1950s, had an affair with an older woman, Hanna, who then disappeared only...
A recent divorcee's holiday celebration with her adult children derails when she falls for her daughter's charming new boyfriend. A comedy influenced...
Holly Golightly is an eccentric New York City playgirl determined to marry a Brazilian millionaire. But when young writer Paul Varjak moves into her...
Nancy Stokes, a retired schoolteacher, is pretty sure she has never had good sex. Now that her husband has died, she is determined to take a tour of...
Upon discovering her husband's infidelity, Sandy leaves the suburbs and moves into the city. There, she befriends Aram, a guy whose wife only married...
Song Jin Poong is the eldest of four sons and works hard to earn money to support his family. He is also a man who cannot forget his first love. His...
Pakamalin, a successful online boutique owner, engages in a secret affair with Rungsun, who is married to Kate, the CEO of S Plaza Group. Learning of...