A struggling musician realizes he's the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles after waking up in an alternate reality where the group was...
Jeru is striving to achieve his dream career while managing his campursari band, Konco Seneng, alongside his friends Rick, Novian, Wahyu, and Aruna....
Gloria never imagined that an audition for the music producer Sergio Andrade was going to change her life so drastically. King Midas not only brought...
The hero-worship that Simone has for a pop singer is built to a crescendo until she passes out when she finally sees him up-close in a crowd of fans....
Three-part biopic of the Liverpudlian songbird who would later find fame and fortune. It tells of her rocky road to fame and captures the essence of...
Demi Lovato holds nothing back in this powerful four part documentary series exploring every aspect that led to their nearly fatal overdose in 2018,...
Charlie Puth attempts to scale the zeitgeist by going beyond pop stardom to become a multi-hyphenate talent after being told it's no longer enough to...