In 1960, a team of Israeli secret agents is deployed to find Adolf Eichmann, the infamous Nazi architect of the Holocaust, supposedly hidden in...
At the end of World War II, a French pacifist is arrested for refusing to fight. In prison, he befriends a German priest arrested for murder of a...
After World War II, many young French women became housewives, convinced that devoting themselves entirely to caring for their families was a noble...
The antihero "Mr. Karl" tells a "young person", the viewer, his life story while he sits at work in the warehouse of a delicatessen. The narrator...
Four sisters, each with their different characters, embark on their separate roads to romance. Elder sister has vast experience of romance; second...
It is an unknown chapter of the German post-war history: On April 23rd, 1949, the kingdom of the Netherlands occupied German soil as a pledge for...
Post-war Germany in 1946 while people are struggling to make ends meet, the film follows Hermann, a war veteran who finds employment at a train...
Post-war Germany 1945: Two rival gangs of uprooted boys fight each other in the ruins of Berlin, whose business is the black market out of necessity...
During the anti-Japanese war, truck driver Lee Sing's secret mission is to transport weapons and supplies for the resistance fighters. Sing has to...
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