Lucy Harmon, an American teenager is arriving in the lush Tuscan countryside to be sculpted by a family friend who lives in a beautiful villa. Lucy...
In the days leading up to a possibly career-changing exhibition, a sculptor navigates her relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.
The life of Camille Claudel, a French sculptor who becomes the apprentice of Auguste Rodin and later his lover. Her passion for her art and Rodin...
“The Meyerowitz Stories”...
A New York sculptor who opens a wax museum to showcase the likenesses of famous historical figures runs into trouble with his business partner, who...
Eric, a gifted sculptor, has a stormy, erotic, and star-crossed romance with a beautiful young woman named Olga.
Verena is a nurse who arrives at an old mansion in Italy to help a young boy who has fallen silent since the sudden passing of his mother.
A mother desperate to reconnect with her troubled daughter becomes embroiled in the urban legend of a demonic witch.
Paris, 1964. The Swiss sculptor and painter Alberto Giacometti, one of the most accomplished and respected artists of his generation, asks his...
In November 1918, a few days before the Armistice, when Lieutenant Pradelle orders a senseless attack, he causes a useless disaster; but his...
In the Paris of the 1910s, brash young sculptor Henri Gaudier begins a creative partnership with an older writer, Sophie Brzeska. Though the couple...
A womanizing sculptor seeks help from a psychiatrist to cure him of his obsession with women.
Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), man of the people, autodidact and revolutionary sculptor - the most brilliant of his era. At 42, Rodin meets Camille...
Growing up in the sheltered confines of a 1920s English coal-mining community, free-spirited sisters Gudrun and Ursula explore erotic love with a...
Set in the 1960's. Joo-goo is viewed as Korea's best sculptor, but he suffers from a disease which will slowly paralyze his body. He gives up...
Hans von Arnam travels to a Flemish village to study a strange carousel located in an old windmill that displays famous murderesses and other...
Lucas must choose between love and the power he acquires after becoming a renowned sculptor.
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