In the midst of the Balkan wars, a squad of Navy SEALs attempts to unravel a long-forgotten mystery after discovering an enormous treasure trove...
The events in Sarajevo in June 1914 are the backdrop for a thriller directed by Andreas Prochaska and written by Martin Ambrosch, focusing on the...
A young journalist, an experienced cameraman and a discredited reporter find their bold plan to capture Bosnia's top war criminal quickly spiraling...
Marko, an aspiring filmmaker, is unable to pursue a career in horror films. He ventures into the porn industry, but his unorthodox style fails to...
Jasna, a beautiful teenager, leads a crude life in post-war Serbia. She goes on a spree of sex, drugs and partying until she finds love and...
Stolen by crusaders on the night of his birth, Radu (Anders Hove) has no knowledge of his bloodline: his mother is a demon; his father is a vampire....
The reception for Finland's Independence Day is rudely interrupted when the presidential palace is attacked and the state leadership is taken...
Novica is a mathematics champion in a Belgrade high school. In an attempt to overcome the ‘geek’ status at school, Novica becomes...
The Topalović family has been in the burial business for generations. When the 150-year-old Pantelija dies, five generations of his heirs start...
In Marseille, the young Serbian-Albanian Adria Shala is an illegal immigrant traumatized by her past. Every now and then Adria recalls her life in...
Andy Marlow, an ex British S.A.S serviceman turned mercenary, is sent into the Balkans after a military coup has arisen to rescue a U.S ambassador...
Ava Moriarty, Art History PhD dropout-turned-dominatrix, wants OUT. But there's no safeword for golden handcuffs. When her mobster ex gives her 30...
When a rookie operative's mistake costs the lives of his entire team, he's forced on the run and must piece together the truth by re-creating the...
A police-escorted prisoner transport supervised by Interpol sets off to Belgrade. The route leads the transport through Pančevo, where they...
The story takes place in Nis, towards the end of the nineteenth century, during the calm down of the stormy historic events which led to final...
The story is about funny experiences of a politician named Srećko Šojić, played by Milan Gutović.
Story about the most influential Serbian dynasty of the Middle Ages.
Selo gori, a baba se češlja is a television series in Serbia. First aired in 2007, the show quickly gained national fame with episodes in...
Michael Palin explores European countries that were once behind the Iron Curtain.
The intertwined lives of numerous characters set in 1990s Belgrade who all try to live happily during rather unhappy times.
Miniseries about the life of Serbian statesman Nikola Pašić.
The eight-episode series follows the life of the writer Ivo Andrić during several months in the fall and winter of 1961, from the moment he...
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