Set after the events of Continental Drift, Scrat's epic pursuit of his elusive acorn catapults him outside of Earth, where he accidentally sets off a...
Between two Thanksgivings, Hannah's husband falls in love with her sister Lee, while her hypochondriac ex-husband rekindles his relationship with her...
During a concert by idol group Zwei Wing, an alien force known as the Noise attack the stage. Group members Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou suppress...
Each year, hopeful singers from all over the country audition to be part of one of the biggest shows in American television history. Who will become...
In the near future, Vivy, a diva-type A.I., went up on stage each day with hopes of putting her heart into her song. One day, the A.I. Matsumoto, who...
There are many idols with long-established talent agency 346 Production. And now the company is starting a new program, the Cinderella Project! Girls...
A Thai reality television series on the Channel 3 television network. It was premiered on 9 September 2012 on Channel 3. The format is Dutch and the...
With dreams of becoming a composer and someday writing a song for her favorite idol, Haruka enters the Saotome Academy, a prestigious performing arts...
Trot music has been around listeners for decades, providing consolation and cheer people up. On the verge of the second hot wave of trot music, MISS...