Luz, a young cabdriver, drags herself into the brightly lit entrance of a run-down police station. A demonic entity follows her, determined to...
A battle-hardened soldier faces a heartbreaking moral dilemma when he's ordered to execute a young prisoner who bears an uncanny resemblance to his...
Violette lives in an apartment with her boyfriend. A tension has long driven them apart, the dialogue seems worn-out. While she is in the bathroom...
"You Should See Other People" is a three minute mixed media vignette following a misguided 20-something as she copes with the hurtful affairs she's...
In the dystopian 2040, a performance artist shots himself dead in front of a live audience. While the extreme act shocks the society, his friend is...
Gretchen unmoulds a jar of jelly in her room while her parents picnic in the garden. The jelly comes to life, the girl begins a frenzied dance with...
In a corporate world void of human interaction, Ennis has lost her ability to relate to others. When the company fires her and forces her into a...
A mother struggles to save her son from a polluted world.
Anika Price's LCAD Experimental Animation Senior thesis film.
"Ladies Knight" is Joe Rothenberg's undergrad senior thesis project from USC's Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts.
Two gay losers team up to get revenge on their bullies.
Two ambitious primatologists and their small team of researchers are funded for an 8 week research trip into the depths of the Northern Cascades to...
A Civil War veteran-turned-lawman thought he had left his worst nightmares behind him on the battlefield, but the most frightening one will test his...
Of You, as in I Am of You chronicles the complex love story of a mother and daughter shifting back and forth over the course of 25 years, and...
An idle, Arab American stoner discovers a portal to the war memories of his mother's past while doing the laundry chore.
After teenage Ben comes to the realization that his stage 4 testicular cancer is terminal, he decides to throw a "practice funeral" as one final...
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