Two women, Nic and Jules, brought a son and daughter into the world through artificial insemination. When one of their children reaches age, both...
At only twenty, Griffith is struggling with the responsibilities of caring for his unwell aunt, grieving the loss of their family's matriarch, and...
A put-upon lady-rabbit called Sharon is left perturbed by a potential plot against her vegetable garden. When Sharon's suspicions put more and more...
Rafa and Jeromo are a curious couple of friends. Their friendship began in childhood as well as his love for Silvia, which have been in love since...
Popeye is planting his spinach bed. Just as he finishes, the plants start disappearing. He discovers a gopher filching the baby plants and starts...
A humorous story-musical about a pumpkin, the host of a vegetable garden, his wife and many relatives and friends. They all live nearby and often...
Two polite twin gophers are indignant at the swiping of all their vegetables by "vandals" in trucks. They follow the trucks to a food processing...
Two polite twin gophers raid a vegetable patch guarded by a rather smug dog, whose various unsuccessful schemes to nullify the crafty and modest...
Following Ontario farmer John Gorzo Jr. from the spring planting through the fall harvest this stark, intimate film strips away our bucolic fantasies...
For 30 years, Oceana County Michigan has been the Asparagus Capital of the World. Now its spear-struck residents and family farms take on the U.S....
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