In a run-down South American town, four men are paid to drive trucks loaded with nitroglycerin into the jungle through to the oil field. Friendships...
The story of Diego, a young and successful photographer that lives in the glamorous world of fashion, shallowness and excess. A tragic accident turns...
Golgo 13, Japan's most celebrated and notorious assassin, meets his match in Queen Bee, the leader of a South American liberation army, whom he must...
Examines the struggles of a man petrified by the notion of human contact and intimacy. Armando, aged 50, cruises young men in the streets of Caracas...
Andres (Jean Pierre Agostini) it's a fan of Los Leones del Caracas one of the principal baseball teams of Venezuela. Julissa (Juliette Pardau) it's a...
Two brothers fight to escape a violent and poor neighborhood in Caracas by playing soccer. Daniel wishes to play professionally while Julio supports...
Wildlife photographer Terry and her brother Art go to Venezuela for a photo shoot. They hire Jim Pendrake to guide them through the jungle. However,...