Olive, an average high school student, sees her below-the-radar existence turn around overnight once she decides to use the school's gossip grapevine...
At 35, Tripp has an interesting job, a hip car, a passion for sailing, an active dating life, and a great house - trouble is, he still lives with his...
On a flight home to Chicago for a family wedding, childhood friends Josh and Molly innocently agree to fake a wedding engagement to make Josh's dying...
A chance meeting between two strangers who share a disdain for Christmas results in The Mistletoe Promise, a pact to help them navigate their holiday...
Chef who dreams of having own food trucks, agrees to pose as girlfriend of an attorney. Working together, they try to prove he's the ideal candidate...
When Ashley Seever returns home for the holidays hoping to reconnect with her high school sweetheart Grant, she soon meets his new girlfriend. In an...