Produced by the Highway Safety Foundation in 1964, this shocking film deals with a subject quite taboo for its time. The short serves as a dramatized...
Comedy short produced by the Construction Safety Association of Ontario, Canada. It demonstrates the dos and don'ts of construction site safety. The...
Jeanne, a high school girl, dumps her dull boyfriend Larry for Nick, a local thug and hot-rodder she finds exciting. Nick terrifies everyone with his...
Concentrates upon basic first aid steps. Simulated situations provide an opportunity to discuss and demonstrate mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, shock,...
This video reinforces the importance of safe crossing and loading/unloading behaviors for primary age students. In the story, the main character goes...
Almost every product, every activity, and every TV-show comes with a warning. Is everything really as dangerous as we are led to believe? We test all...
Disney's Wild About Safety is an educational series that features short films that were produced by Disney Educational Productions, Duck Studios, and...
Award-winning technology and internet safety video series for families, schools and organizations to help pre-teens better understand the social side...