Based on the bestselling book series, this outrageous comedy tells the story of George and Harold, two overly imaginative pranksters who hypnotize...
Raggedy Ann and Andy leave their playroom to rescue Babette, a beautiful French doll kidnapped by a pirate.
At a wild high school party, a teenager's insecurities manifest in the form of a mischievous sock puppet.
The Shari Show - Featuring Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop (1975, 1976)
A young man finds out where all of his missing socks have ended up.
A movie from the TV show "31 Minutos" set to release on Prime Video. A movie adaptation to the classic christmas special episode from the original...
Kirika and Mireille are sent out to exterminate Chris Patton in this short film starring Sock Puppets. Originally included as an Easter Egg on Volume...
A one minute short film about a young woman struggling with the aftermath of a relationship argument.
A French sock puppet soap opera! Based on your grandma's stories.
नि: शुल्क असीमित पहुँच, कुनै विज्ञापनको लागि खोजी गर्नुहोस्, लाखौं शीर्षक र हरेक दिन थपियो, सबै प्लेटफर्महरू र पूर्ण अनुकूलित, कहिँ पनि र कहिले पनि