The legendary Space Sheriff Gavan is hired to capture the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. However, Gavan himself is captured by Ashurada, a Zangyack prison...
Fifteen years ago, three childhood friends, Geki, Sherry and Okuma, were star-gazing and became inspired to go into space. As adults, Geki and Okuma...
The Dekarangers must deal with a mysterious undercover agent from another planet while trying to save her world and Earth from one of the universe's...
Welcome to Megalopolis! Once a peaceful Earth city, it's now a haven for criminals aided by the nefarious Alienizer arms dealer, Agent Abrella. Now,...
Space Sheriff Sharivan is the second installment in Toei's Metal Hero Series and aired on the TV Asahi network from 4 March 1983 through 24 February...
Chuuta Kokonose is an orphan who lives with his aunt. For as long as he can remember, he's had a voice in his head, but other than that he's a normal...
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