Estimados Señores sheds light on the little-known suffragette movement in Colombia. Set in 1954, the film follows Esmeralda Arboleda, a...
Through first person accounts and searing archival footage, this documentary tells the story of the local movement and young Student Nonviolent...
An in-depth look at the Electoral College, its slavery origins, and its impact on society today. The film features four dynamic electors from...
The film explores and celebrates the lesser-known life of a Mississippi sharecropper-turned-human-rights-activist and one of the Civil Rights...
Follows the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) from July to August 1963, as they undertake an African American voter registration drive in the town...
Onderzoeksjournalist Greg Palast weerlegt de meest brutale, racistische aanval op het stemrecht tot nu toe – ontwikkeld door Brian Kemp uit...
Filmmaker Jenny Rohrer explores the growing difference in voting patterns between men and women.
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