Hiiragi Mix takes place after the events of Given and is focuses on the relationship between Mafuyu's childhood friends Hiiragi Kashima and Shizusumi...
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1991. High school freshman Charlie is a wallflower, always watching life from the sidelines, until two senior students, Sam...
Shibuya Yuuri, an ordinary high school boy got flushed in a toilet and he saw himself in another world. He was then declared as the 27th maou or the...
The series accompanies a group of 16-year-olds on the journey of their life following their day to day in real time. Dependence on social media, how...
Easter intentionally attends a university in the north of Thailand. He hopes to find a new place to erase the memories of his ex-relationship, which...
Nature made Ash Lynx beautiful; nurture made him a cold ruthless killer. A runaway brought up as the adopted heir and sex toy of "Papa" Dino Golzine,...
Shion and Rui are the dream team when it comes to hitting on women. Tonight was going to be another night of hooking up with girls for Shion, but he...