"Le Grand Chef 2" begins with the Korean president visiting the Japanese Prime Minister and becoming involved in a heated debate over the origins of...
A couple of fumbling best friends run a private detective agency and find themselves solving their next case in New Orleans, becoming embroiled in a...
In the year Queen Elizabeth marks her 70th on the throne, Fortnum & Mason has challenged home bakers to create a tart, cake, or pudding to honor her...
Bunji is a famous traditional curry shop. Many people in the district love its taste of curry and also Chako, the curry girl. One day, people from a...
Iron Chef is a Japanese television cooking show produced by Fuji Television. The series, which premiered on October 10, 1993, is a stylized cook-off...
Aspiring restaurateurs brave Ramsay and his fiery command of the kitchen as he puts the competitors through an intense culinary academy to prove they...
A cooking contest begins with Korea's most skilled chefs from every region of Korea, with one contestant being dropped every round. The judges, famed...
Iron Chef America: The Series is an American cooking show based on Fuji Television's Iron Chef, and is the second American adaptation of the series,...