Relive the magic with hosts Art Linkletter, Bob Cummings and Ronald Reagan at the live opening day celebration. Broadcast on July 17, 1955 to a live...
"You Ruined My Life" was a cute TV movie (from the Wonderful World of Disney movies that they show on Saturday or Sunday nights) starring Soleil Moon...
Disney Presents: Main Street Electrical Parade - Farewell SeasonHD
IMDb: 5.328
Catch the spark after dark at Disneyland Park. And say farewell to one of the Magic Kingdom's most celebrated traditions - The Main Street Electrical...
A young newspaper boy who is on a Little League team works hard to persuade an elderly Englishman, with whom he had a previous run-in, to donate land...
When it comes to animation, few do it better than Pixar and Disney. They are the dreamers and doers with multi-billion dollar imaginations. Bloomberg...
You have never seen the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Pacific Coastline like this before! Take to the skies for an exhilarating journey in the film...
Two identical cars pull up to a restaurant, one belonging to a childless couple who are taking care of their niece and nephew while their parents are...