Chang E was chosen to become the bride of a god and forced to separate with Hou Yi, the man that she loves. However, they refuse to accept their fate...
In Kanoesaru village every 60 years mysterious murders happen. Every time seven 17 year old girls are killed. The villagers believe it is the work of...
Maria is an orphan girl who suffers from her stepmother's wickedness. She then decides to escape in search of the fringes of the sea and takes a long...
The Power of Myth is a television series originally broadcast on PBS in 1988 as Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth. The documentary comprises six...
A modern take on the famous folk tale, Bawang Merah-Bawang Putih (Shallots & Garlic). Alya (Bawang Putih) and Siska (Bawang Merah) are neighbors who...