The Japanese government sets up a special task force to fight the giant creatures suddenly appearing across the country. Soon, the squad unexpectedly...
Yuta Hibiki finds himself drawing Gridman, who he seems to have missing memories of. Now in his second year at Tsutsujidai High School, Yuta decides...
Leon, who has succeeded the name of Golden Knight "GARO," devotes himself to train a young Makai Knight for the next generation, together with Prince...
During a concert by idol group Zwei Wing, an alien force known as the Noise attack the stage. Group members Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou suppress...
The Healing Garden, a secret world that has provided treatment to heal the Earth, is under attack by the Byougenzu, who plan to infect Earth with an...
The Makai fight a secret war against the demon forces known as Horrors, evil creatures that manifest themselves through darkness to devour Humanity....
The evil empire, Shadow Line appeared to cover the world in darkness. Five childhood friends who have great imaginations were selected as the ToQgers...
It is the year 1999. The Machine Empire of Baranoia, led by Emperor Bacchus Wrath, has invaded Earth with the intention of wiping out all human life...