When a passive young businessman is conned and thrown into great debts, he and his mother concoct a desperate escape plan - to fake his death, stage...
Two themes arise from the story, themes that are interlocked: the theme of love and of man's eternal submission to traditional symbols. The director...
A Montenegrin teenager is sent to Serbia in order to evade blood-feud caused by his father's reckless behavior. Little does he know that even greater...
Heavily pregnant and in the early summer heat, Mina has wandered up into the Montenegrin mountains in search of answers to the problems she is facing...
This is a movie about the start of people's uprising in Montenegro in World War II. After the capitulation of the Yugoslav Royal Army in April 1941,...
The Zivkovic family lives on a hilly village, on cleared part of land. Having many relatives, their lives are interlaced, and jobs distributed. Their...
The story follows a man who lives in an isolated farm with his wife. In the rugged mountainous area they live usual tedious rural life. It is full of...